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Other Handmade carpets




Pakistanian carpets

Discover an exclusive and superior collection of high quality carpets. Authentic hand-made carpets from the region around the famous Khyber Pass, the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Local tribes create these exceptional works of art. These groups include people from Turkmenistan, Tajikistan as well as Patans, Hazari, Persians, etc.

At the end of the nineties Afghan refugees took these ancient techniques with them to Pakistan and started producing new carpets woven with wool woven exclusively by hand and coloured exclusively with vegetable dyes.

Naturally dyed wool turns a lovely colour and reflects different shades. With hand-spun wool these shades are accentuated by the different thickness of the threads. The colours in naturally dyed wool go right through the fibres and are hard to fade.


The vegetable dyes are obtained from the following plants or materials:

  • Rubia tinctorum (root) - orange, red, purple
  • Indigo (plant) - blue, blue-black
  • Cochineal (wood lice) - blue/red
  • Delphiniums (flower) - yellow
  • Pomegranate - yellow/red
  • Mint - green
  • Campeche wood - brown/beige
  • Walnut - brown


Vietnamese carpets

Italian designer Claudio Amati has designed a collection of sophisticated rugs. The rugs have been hand knotted from the finest New Zealand wool in Vietnam.


Rugs from Vietnam


Have a look at our collection